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Sunday 23 July 2017

How to send GIFs in WhatsApp on Android and iOS

The wait for GIFs within WhatsApp was long, but in early 2017 the company finally started allowing users to send moving images to each other quickly and easily – but the feature is a bit hidden.
To be able to send them, you’ll need to be running a recent version of the WhatsApp software and if you read down below we’ll show you exactly how to do it.
It’s different for iOS and Android though, so be sure you’re reading the right section before you begin to test it out.

How to send GIFs in WhatsApp on Android

To send GIFs on Android you'll have to really dig deep, as it's not at all obvious how to do it. It's hidden behind a small button in a sub menu, so first off you'll want to press on the emoticon face in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Here you'll be greeted with the yellow emoji that you can send within WhatsApp, but in the center of the bottom of the screen there's a small button that reads GIF. 
Press on that, and you'll see a selection of GIFs pulled directly from the service Tenor GIFs.
The most popular GIFs will appear at the top and then you can scroll down to see more options. If you want something specific, press the magnifying glass in the bottom left and enter your search.
Once your search has been entered, you can then scroll to the right to see all of the options that match your search.
Then just tap on the GIF you're interested in to view a full screen preview. From here you can add a message if you want, and tap the arrow to send it.

How to send GIFs in WhatsApp on iOS

It's not easy to find GIFs in WhatsApp on iOS either. You'll need to press the plus icon in the bottom left of the screen to open up multimedia options, then you'll be greeted with an option that reads 'photo and video library', which you should press.
In the bottom left again you'll see a magnifying glass icon with the word GIF next to it. Press here and you'll be able to search for whatever GIFs you want to send.
Then just tap on the GIF you wish the send, and you'll be able to push that out to your chat.
There's also a starred GIF option that will allow you to save your favorite GIFs or those you use regularly, so you won't always need to re-search for them each time you want to use them.

What if you have a different keyboard?

Some virtual keyboards offer an alternative way of sending GIFs alongside the method shown above.
For example, if you're using SwiftKey you can find GIFs within the keyboard when you hold down the enter button in the lower right hand corner.
You won't be able to search for GIFs if you use this method, but it does give you options such as 'Angry', 'Bored' and 'Happy' so you can quickly find a GIF to show the emotion you want to send.

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