Usabilia asked 100 web professionals for their opinion on the future of flat web design, and a huge 68% said that it is here to stay and not just another passing design trend.
So despite our discussion previous about the then new flat design aesthetic, it appears that for the foreseeable future of web design is more than certainly going to be flat, or that the very least, almost flat.
If you haven’t embraced flat yet, you had better do it now.
A couple of years ago we showcased some of the early flat-style converts, and to be honest, there wasn’t that many good examples to choose from, we did manage to find 20 though. Fast forward a few years and every single new website seems to be flat, or at the very least adopted some flat elements. Due to the sheer volume of these flat sites, compiling this gallery was a bit of a nightmare. After a lot of filtering, we have managed to choose 50 sites that we feel have truly captured the flat design trend.
Build in Amsterdam →

Webflow →

Agency Survival Kit →

Olympic Story →

Space Needle →

World Cup Fixtures →

Electrik Company →

Bacon de Czar →

Ante Meridiem →

Craftsman Ave →

Who is This f***ing Bear? →

Stash Icons →

VeloSport →

Web Canvas Design →

Kickdrop →

HughesLeahyKarlovic Agency →

Les Francofolies de La Rochelle →

Tectonica Studios →

Acapo →

100 Years of Design from AIGA →

Kaipoche →

Ripple →

Media Temple →

World Cup Match Balls →

Paul Woods → →

Webflow →

The Yellow Conference →

Conjure →

Lander →

Oscar →

DoneDone →

Brand Aid →

Visage →

The Place →

Cloud Nine →

Studio Alto →

Flowmail →

Sparkbox →

Joy Intermedia →

PageLanes →

Themify →

Nation →

Svkariburnu →

Designed To Move →

Melanie F. →

Brooklyn United →

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