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Tuesday 3 October 2017

What is CPA – Cost Per Action Cost Per Acquisition

Definition of CPA (Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition)

CPA Cost Per Action
CPA – Cost Per Action pricing means that the actual effect of advertising, that is, according to the response to a valid questionnaire or order to billing, and unlimited advertising volume. CPA pricing method for the site in terms of a certain risk, but if the success of advertising, the proceeds than the CPM pricing method is much greater. As far as I know 7 days hotel in the online advertising time, there is a part of that is done, according to each registered a member, to the site to pay 20 yuan.
Said the charges CPM, CPC, CPA three charges can only compare which is more suitable for you. Regardless of CPM, CPC or CPA, advertisers can choose according to their own product characteristics, which is the same as the traditional Internet advertising.
As the rapid development of the electricity industry, the current mobile advertising platform also appeared CPS (per purchase for billing) charges, but the general effect is not good enough, the reason is more mobile payment there are many inconveniences. At present, most mobile advertising platforms in China support CPM, CPC and CPA billing. Advertisers can consider the stability of mobile advertising platform and the depth of media resources when choosing mobile advertising.

Following CPA Campaigns:

With the installment of CPA battles being on an “activity” being conveyed, the exact following is of prime significance to media proprietors.
This is a mind-boggling  subject in itself, in any case, if for the most part performed in three primary ways:
Cookie Tracking – when a media proprietor drives a tick a treat is dropped on the prospect’s PC which is connected back to the media proprietor when the “activity” is performed.
Phone Tracking – interesting phone numbers are utilized per occasion of a crusade. So media proprietor XYZ would have their own extraordinary telephone number for an offer and when this number is called any subsequent “activities” are assigned to media proprietor XYZ. Frequently payouts depend on a length of call (normally 90 seconds) – if a bring goes more than 90 seconds it is seen that there is an honest to goodness intrigue and a “lead” is paid for.
Promotional codes – special or voucher codes are ordinarily utilized for following retail crusades. The prospect is made a request to utilize a code at the checkout to fit the bill for an offer. The code would then be able to be coordinated back to the media proprietor who drove the deal.
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