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Sunday 13 August 2017

How to Use the Flexbox Layout Method (Part 1)

With every new revision of CSS, a plethora of new, exciting attributes come to light;  one of which being the understated display: flex approach.
The flexbox layout model has been floating around the web for a little while now, each time with its own variation on the approach (some outdated, such as the display: box or display: flexbox method).
In today’s guide, we’ll be discovering the advantages of utilising the flexbox technique in our own layouts.
Some great features of the new model include:
  • Easy ratio-based sizing; no need to touch your HTML
  • Reorder with a breeze by using integers within the stylesheet
  • Applies to all child elements within a correctly defined parent
  • No more clearfixes!

In part 2 we’ll be taking a look on how to take this even further, and turn your flexbox layout into a fully-fledged responsive design! 

Have you used the flex box approach to layout? Do you prefer a different method? Let us know in the comments.

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